Rocks that Talk

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I'll post my other painting for Jungs when I finish it up.

But, check out some 3D too... it's Aibo the Robot dog, just like Furby I guess--just as boring and inanimate, but SO SHINY! :D

Website in progress!

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Hey hey--look who's gotten to work on her website a bit!!
So Spring Break is almost over and I'll be posting up more of my work after I turn them in!!


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So Spring Break is finally here--but nevertheless, I'll still be working on school projects. Hopefully tonight I'll do some concept/idea layouts for my website-to-be. I'm still thinking about some domain name. I tried typing in "kimart" and then got redirected to

Oh well.

Anyway, I made an online portfolio here on
and it has some pretty pieces I haven't put on here either.

So check this out if you have the time--it is pretty wonderful and makes me happy! INSPIRING!

Have an awesome break friends!!!

Cat and Fish Story

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Oh oh !

I forgot to add to the last post my Catfish Slate, it was done in Illustrator and After Effects. I hope you guys actually like the story behind it:

Rhythm and Hues, XWing and swampers

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So on Tuesday I got to go to RHYTHM AND HUES with some of my friends in our Studio Visits class! and it was awesome to not only see the work they did, but to actually see them working on it together as a team, and in their big studio rooms, and then to see that they're human and that they actually chill together and have fun.

Then I modeled Xwing for my Intro to 3D class as we had to texture for the first time:

Anyway, I did some more paintings, though I have to say these where a bit loose:

a wonderous thing you must watch!

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SCINTILLATION from Xavier Chassaing on Vimeo.

This is the most wonderous, tantalizing, mysterious video that plays with lights, depth and form. It is just amazing and I am so very in love with it. You should check it out too!